Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Third World

What's up everyone? Turns out that the third world country that I am currently in (Guatemala for those of you who didn't read my only post and are too lazy to scroll down) has wireless internet. That's not entirely too true, actually. We're at an orphanage for about 300+ kids from infants and up, and the place just installed a working wireless internet here. So I decided to update from here.

First off, let me say hey to my mother. I'm alive and will be home shortly. Thanks for putting up with me leaving you right at Christmas time.

Ok, now off to my trip. Long story short, we had an incredibly long bus trip to Atlanta/flight to Guatemala. We arrived, though safe and sound, and then, having not slept in 48 hours, decided to play with the kids. Don't get me wrong, people, it was amazing. We (7 nineteen year old guys) got DEMOLISHED by 6 and 7 year old girls in soccer. This statement, too, is a minor fabrication. They were 12 and 13. It was murder. However, it was incredibly fun. This is what has consisted of my life for the past two days. All of this reminds me that although I have taken 3 and a half years of Spanish in my life, all that I could understand from anyone was the little girls calling us sissies. And this is only because an English speaking child told us this.

Well, I'm being antisocial with my team here, so I should probably go now. Tomorrow is the beginning of the work week. It should be... interesting to say the least. I'm sure it will be awesome though. I'll try to update throughout the week but can't make any promises. Hope everyone's break is going well.

Oh yes, the quote of the day: "Get off your butt and join the Marines!" - John Wayne. Is there any significance to this? Probably not. Enjoy it though.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaaa did you guys seriously get beat?? That's a little humiliating. But I guess you're used to it after the club team... haha just kidding, I don't know why I said that. Glad you guys are having a sweet experience, miss youuuu
