Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just Another Day...?

More facts about Guatemala:

Don't drink the water. This also means don't eat ice cream. Ice cream comes from ice. Ice comes from water.

Coconuts are a natural laxative.

There is only one true traffic law: do not get in a wreck.

Five o'clock a.m. on the dot means 6:30.

Tim is afraid to pee in front of cars.

All of these I experienced today. All is well, but it's 10:00 p.m., and I just got back to the gringo house. I've been up since four this morning, so I'll keep this brief. We took a 4+ hour drive out to a landfill community where we passed out toys to children. Then we waited. And waited. After that, we waited a little bit more, and decided to head home. During our drive back, someone (Tim) may or may not have distracted our driver to where he rear ended someone on the highway. Being that we were a good hour and a half outside of Guatemala City, it took a good hour and a half for the insurance person to arrive, which meant that Jacob, Tyler, Tim, David, and I sat around with quite literally nothing in the world to do. Since we missed dinner with the rest of the gringos back at the casa due to the wreck, our driver, Adam, took us to Pollo Campero, which I'm convinced means "Chicken Camp" in Spanish.

I have nothing else. It's raining now, which, in turn, means it's bed time.

Hope you are doing well. I'll be back soon.



  1. haha, tyler told me about the wreck, that's crazy. pollo campero is the shiz, did you like it?

  2. haha yeah pollo campero will forever hold a place in my heart. it will also forever give me bad stomach pains.
