Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's Raining and You're With Him

Just kidding. I mean it's raining, but I'm expecting that no one is with him right now. I don't truly know who "he" is either... In all honesty, I'm just giving a shout out to Josh Sizemore. Not because he's with him, but because it's a song he wrote. Hey, Josh.

Seriously, though, it has been raining all day. I'm not talking about a slight drizzle. I'm saying that there's been quite a few inches of rain coming down all day. Which means this has literally been the laziest Sunday I have ever had. And it's been awesome.

Did you know that if there's grease on the bottom of a pot/pan and you put it on the stove, then the stove will catch on fire? Apparently Katie didn't. Katie is also one of my cooking team members. We're still failing at cooking. Did I mention that she was making macaroni and cheese? I'm not complaining at all. I am one-hundred-and-fifty-three-percent-fully impressed that somehow, someway, she managed to start a fire with macaroni and cheese. And how the grease got there, I have no clue. But flames emerged. Twice. And life was interesting, as usual. Tomorrow, we make hamburgers for dinner. Just pray for us...

Tomorrow is the last full day we're in Guatemala. So we're gonna paint. It's also the last day that we're playing soccer. Hopefully, MAYBE, if God smiles upon us, we can beat these kids and go home with our heads held high. Shouldn't we be given a victory after losing to these guys twice and losing to tiny boys and girls countless times? I think not.

Well boys and girls, I think this may be the last time that I'll write from this place. There's been a few things I've left out, such as hearing the story of Casa Aleluya (sorry if I butchered that) and some others as well. So, if you remember, or want to know, just ask when I'm back home and have full communication capabilities.

The quote of the week/the theme of our visit here come from Matthew, chapter 18: "And whosoever shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me."

See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I know it's pathetic that I was this far behind on your blog, but... thanks for the shout out. That was awesome.
