Sunday, September 26, 2010


It's been a while since I've updated this, but I want to take this one to be fairly sentimental. Just recently, I have realized that I'm over halfway through my college career, and I have started looking at my life introspectively.

First off, the picture above is what I woke up to a couple of weeks ago. Being able to wake up early and see God's creation, just so that I can stare at it in awe completely blows me away. Think about it. All of this-- all of what is around us-- was spoke into being.

How can that not hit you hard? Beauty spoke into being?

On a more physical level, I cannot help but smile when I think of my friends. All the people close to me that have been put into my life the past twenty years have helped shape me into who I am today. For that, I thank you all. I have been so blessed to have these relationships with these people, and I can only hope to continue living life with them.

Of course there's my family, too. Tonight I was able to spend some time with my extended family, and I loved every minute of it. Being in the company of people that I never get to see together was so much fun, and I thank God for them.

I'm not writing this to say that my life is any better than any others, but to tell all my friends and family that I love them and I truly do thank God for them. All of you are crazy awesome people, and I am so glad that all of you are in my life.

That's the end of my sentimental rant, but seriously, I truly feel blessed by God by having you all in my life.


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