Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Recapping Life

This shows what has engulfed my life for the past four weeks. I have no excuse as to why I have not updated this thing, other than these seventy guys and four trophies (which, in my opinion is more than enough to seem dead to the blogging world).

I hate to be completely reiterating what Matt Davidson has said on his blog, but I have had the fortune of participating in Dudes-A-Plenty with him. Both of us know that this is important. And all of Samford knows that February is the month of amazingness. Yes, I made up a word, back off. Besides, I'm a rock star. "I don't need no education". At least the judges agree with me since we won Sweepstakes. I hope you're not thinking that I'm completely full of myself here. It's just an incredible feeling to achieve The Trophy after putting forth what seems like countless hours of work into a 6 minute show. This experience is something that I would never exchange for anything. Ben Telfair and Jeremy Hunt have been two of the most amazing directors this year, and I can only hope to follow others as great as them in the years to come. For those of you who are reading this and don't know what the heck I am talking about, here is Step Sing: Greeks and Independents alike form groups of up to seventy people and put on a six minute production. DAP did a show called Dream On, or The Dream. Whichever you prefer. We were school boys that wanted to be rock stars. And rock stars we became. We danced. We sang. We competed. And it was nothing short of awesome.

Things to note: Two Fridays ago, there was three or four inches of snow at Samford. This past Sunday, I was able to lay out on the campus's quad in shorts and a short sleeved tee. This morning, the high was 22 degrees. I believe that I live in the most weather-ly diverse place on the face of this planet. It's impressive the lack of sick people on campus.

More fun facts: I have four classes. I have five tests this week. Do the math. Well technically it's one quiz, one mid term, and three tests. Still, seriously guys? Did you just all collaborate together to make my life stress the week immediately following Step Sing? Did you just get together and say, "Hey I know that my students have been working their tails off for the past month for this one weekend where they cannot do any more work. Let's test them!" Thanks guys. I appreciate it.

I'm sitting in the hall right now outside of Josh's room. I can hear the shower running and the Beach Boys playing. I would like to restate that it's cold outside. The Beach Boys and Winter just don't seem to flow in my opinion. I also just realized that I truly am sitting the hall typing on a computer. Three people have passed me and have given me weird looks. I guess hall time is not supposed to be spent sitting down on a computer.

I'll go now. Just so I don't keep looking like a dummy. Half a week to go until I can rest. Keep living The Dream. I did. And it was awesome.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Quick quote of the yesterday.

It has come to my attention that a certain someone demanded a quote from me. Since I'm not feeling creative, and this certain someone demands a lot at all times, I'm going to put this one right in from my twitter and facebook.

"These are the fountains of salvation, that they who thirst may be satisfied with the living words they contain." - Athanasius on the New Testament


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ok. Look. It's been over a month since I've decided to pop back up into the electronic world. To have had a full month of complete nothingness, the past ten days or so have been full of enough activity to fulfill those four completely void weeks.

Update on the life of me: I'm an RA in a freshman boy's dorm, I'm now taking my first official major classes (though I have yet to declare JMC, yet), and I forgot how beyond blessed I am to be going to Samford and to have the amazing friends that I have in my life. End of my sentimental moment.

The RA job is so incredible. I have some amazing guys on my hall, though it has taken a slight bit of time to find that out. My first hall meeting was...interesting to say the least. Though I had already met a couple of them and was expecting some two-way interaction between them all, the room was deathly silent. Noticing that I was on a quickly sinking ship called Failure to Communicate, I choked, and had to have another RA save my butt from looking like a complete fool. Luckily, I came out only looking like 90% of an idiot. Since then, though, things have picked up and I have actually established some relationships so hurray, right? Seriously, I have some awesome guys, and it's gonna be a good year, I hope.

My classes are going incredibly awesome. Honestly, I have to say that this is the first semester where I'm actually excited about getting up and going to class. Weird, yes. However, everything that I am taking now is exciting and fun to learn about. Don't judge me.

Again, a shout out to my friends. If you are reading this, then seriously I thank God for you every day. I can't believe that I've been blessed with all of the people that are in my life. Even those that will ultimately play a fairly minor role in my time here on earth are incredibly special to me, and I could not be more thankful for you.

This week has been fairly hectic. Step Sing has taken over my life, which isn't a problem by any means, but it is quite exhausting. I thought that my first few weeks as an RA would go well, which it has, but last night one of my residents called me about midnight saying his ceiling was leaking. Minor understatement. His entire ceiling was filled with water to the point to where it was sagging and ready to drop out at any moment. (Given, this is all completely my unprofessional opinion.) Maintenance finally arrived around 1:30 or so, and said that they could not work on it until today, so maybe they'll get to it. I hope he hasn't drowned in his leaky room yet...

I think this will be the extent of my life that I'll open up to you, Dear Reader, for now. Take care. Love you all.
